
Welkinweir is a living laboratory for the study of ecological issues, sustainability, and land stewardship.

Learn more about the research initiatives underway at Welkinweir.

Motus Program
Welkinweir is a partner in the creation of the Northeast Motus Collaboration. Part of the larger Motus (Latin for "movement") program by Bird Studies Canada and Arcadia University, this collaboration has installed a network of radio telemetry arrays throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast United States and Canada. An array tower has been installed at Welkinweir, and will track the migrations of a wide variety of small animals. Learn more about the Motus program by clicking the image above; to view project data click "Explore Data", then "Projects" -- Northeast Motus Collaboration Project ID #48.
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Citizen Science

Every day, observations of birds, amphibians, plants and more by community members are contributing to vital research on the natural world. Browse the galleries below to see creatures that have been observed at Welkinweir!


Did you know? Welkinweir is a birding "hotspot"! Over 140 species have been documented by bird watchers, who submit their observations online through eBird to help researchers track bird populations and migrations. Visit eBird to check out their latest sightings, then add some of your own during our weekend naturalist walks!